Lyrical singer on a diet. She’s having PMS.

One of the hardest things in life is dieting on the PMS. You’ve been following your six-meal scheme beautifully for a month, drinking water every time you get anxious. Here comes the blessed PMS to screw with everything at once. One person looks at you, and this is enough for you to say “What is your problem?!?!”. Hardness!

Sometimes you feel you could die for a candy! It is the only way for me to be calm. I was like this yesterday! Oh my God! I was really wanting to shoot everybody and set fire to my house. But, thanks God, I’ve learned to sing. This is good because I could scream and pretend that I was doing high beautiful lyrical notes. I screamed at home pretending I was singing! Disguisedly. As my opera persona is insane, then I became calm! I recommend doing theater when you are having PMS to keep on your diet.

“Sometimes you are a crying baby. But the urge to eat candies and the irritation are more common. ”

It’s all at the same time with me! Sleepiness, difficulty understanding what everybody is  talking about …  I had PSM on the opera eve premiere. And the director was teaching what I needed to do and I couldn’t understand anything … What a despair! I  wanted to cry and to set fire to the theater!

– It’s today, right? I’m rooting for you!
– Yes it is! Thank you! I hope I won’t eat any chocolate!
– But it’s better to eat than to want to set the theater on fire!
– It is true. Then I could be arrested. And I would not even have the chocolate to eat!

In a desperate attempt to solve my problem, I decided to eat only a heart lollipop ❤! Super cute. I was eating love to be calmer.

I was proud of how I dribbled the PMS!

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