How make your dreams come true

Hello, my dears! How are you?

Here we have the first text of my blog. Full of good vibes! Yes! I really needed that! And today the subject is: How to reach our dreams!

According to my studies, my readings (I love self help books! I have lots of them with me), I understood some interesting things I can show you:

First step of all: Have a dream

This is the moment to ignore completely the criticism. To ignore “I can’t”. To be creative! Do you know that idea that makes you feel happy, but you are afraid to know about it? That is it! It is the time to tell yourself everything you want! To draw that magical dream, full of colors! The more details you put in your dream, the best.

P.S. : This dream might be only yours, and it should have to do with your own possibilities. It is not possible to wish the sun to disappear forever. Do you understand? This dream might be something about you and your possibilities.

Have you created your dream? Are you happy? That’s lovely! I am happy too!

Let’s go to the second step.

Second step: TO BELIEVE

This step is about believing that it is possible; recognizing your own skills. Could you please tell me your own skills? Please, tell me five of them!

I will do mine to teach you and to make you feel comfortable! I love challenges !

I am determined, creative, communicative, smart and friendly.

What about you? Let’s go! 🙂

Let’s go to the third step.

Third step: To use these skills to your convenience 

Yes! This is your homework, okay? Let’s think about these skills we’ve listed and let’s see how they make our dream come true.

Do you want to see an example?

“My communication skill makes the information exchanges easier, and this helps me and I can help other people too”.

Now it is your time!

Well… We’ve understand how our skills can help us to make our dreams come true. Now we are self-confident! And it is lovely! Congratulations to all of you who did all this! We are the champions!

Fourth step: To draw the dream using those skills we’ve discovered.

If it is easier for you to write, then, do it.  If recording your own voice and listening yourself feels better for you, it is good as well. You know what is the best way to draw your plan. I like to write. Recently I’ve done a wonderful trip to England. And… well, you may be shocked now! My notes were in a word document with 20 pages! Yes! It is true! I was listening to all my fears. Every time I had fear about something, for example, to be without money in England, I thought “How can I solve this?”. And I always find a way. “Oh… it is just to calculate how much I would spend a day and to add 30% to the final cost.”

This is my way to face the fear. I listen what it is trying to tell me, I write it down and I look for a answer. The answer can be simple and come immediately, or it can take you some time to find it. But, believe me, the answer always comes! 🙂

The same way we do six little meals a day, instead of eating everything at once , our goals should be divided into smaller steps too. If we would eat all the six meals just in the lunch time, we would probably be sick. And we could be hungry at dinner. Creating a routine with many smaller goals (or smaller meals) is the healthiest way to achieve what you want.

Fifth step: To ACT! To do all you’ve planed and to PERSIST!

I have a theater teacher that tells me “Theater is Action”. In Portuguese this is not as obvious as in English. Acting is definitely the verb for Theater. But in Portuguese I confess I’ve never thought about it. To ACT…

And I think Life is ACTION too. It is very good to have a good plan, full of details, but what really matters is to ACT. And, when you are acting, sometimes the ideas changes a little bit. Sometimes you realize the money you could need in your fantastical first international trip is less than you thought, because the meals are all inclusive. Not every unexpected is bad.

Another point about persisting:

If you fail sometimes, it is ok. You just need to forgive yourself and stick to the plan. For example, If you have a daily goal and you get sick, you should give some attention to your health. If I can give some advice, it should be: Listen to your body. What it is trying to tell you? Where is your pain? Why it is exactly always in your throat? Are you feeling repressed? Let’s take care of our emotional! Let’s respect ourselves! Let’s have a good life. Please!

Sixth step: Rewards!

Let’s see the good things we’ve done! What do you think? Let’s see all the steps we’ve reached and let’s use a reward program! Do you want to know it? This is how it works: We give ourselves a reward for each step and for each action we do toward our dream. This reward can be something simple, like playing video-game or watching that wonderful TV series eating popcorn. Or you can nourish your hair. We can create a reward list with the things we like to do! Then, when we finish a dream step, we give ourselves our reward. And it helps us to be disciplined and focused. The best point is: When we choose a goal and we reach it, this makes us feel more confident! And when we feel confident, he have energy to put on our dreams! And we have more rewards! And we are more happy! And the self confidence! This is a circle! A circle of life!

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